Monday, 25 January 2010

A is for Advertising and AIDA

At some point in time we all need to Advertise our business through one format or another. Some forms of advertising are free as in promotion through a Blog, Twitter and other means of Social Media or editorial and Press releases, and other forms have to be paid for.
When investing in advertising it is essential to know what you want to achieve through your advertisement.
Have you got a special offer that can be sold through a one off advertisement?
Do you need to raise the customers/clients awareness to a product or service that they do not buy on a daily basis or is your product a high value item which again needs you to build your reputation through repetition?
How will you know that the advertisement is successful?
What will you put in place to monitor your Return on Investment?
Simple tricks like adding a different name to the advertisement will help you monitor your responses.
Do you know your target audience?
Where will you advertise?
How will you advertise?
When will you advertise?
These are all questions you need to address before you commit your advertising budget.

In future weeks we will address different forms of advertising on an individual basis as they appear in the alphabet. If, however, you want to know more before we reach them, drop me an e-mail and we can have a chat



These are four key points to address when drawing people in to your business through any format. Whatever your product or service, this will apply to you and can be adapted to fit.

Imagine your potential client/customer is ready to invest in what you have on offer, what do you need to do next? Follow the steps below and you will be on the way to drawing them in to your sales zone.

Draw their attention to your product/service by creating an interest in what you have to offer, create a desire and make them want your product/service and then offer a call to action by way of inviting them to buy now, call, e-mail, sign up, book or just log on in the easiest way possible.

The choice is yours,but, you do not want them to slip through the net and go to your competitor before they commit themselves, so make it as easy as possible for this potential customer/client to buy your product.

Happy promoting and look out for B is for..................

Sunday, 17 January 2010

The Rural Meeting Place A-Z of Promoting your Business

Over the next few weeks we will be blogging alphabetically about promoting your business with hints and tips of what you can do and perhaps for very little financial investment.
Business promotion is essential to keep your name in the Market Place and remind people that you are still here and ready to do business.
Many SME's do not have a marketing budget but it helps to have a marketing plan in place. When you get the phone call about cheap adverts etc you need to know what you want to achieve and where you want to be doing it from.
However you promote your business you want to be sure of achieving a Return On Investment (ROI) whether that be on your expenditure or on your time invested.
So, watch this space, for some ideas and please feel free to chip in with a few of your own.