Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Customer Service

Yesterday I was pleased and surprised that a local chain of grocery stores contacted me and told me that one of their staff had been disciplined after I had complained on Twitter about her rudeness.
I had passed a comment; they got in touch, took details of my complaint and promised to get back to me. When they did it was telling me they had dealt with it and also will be looking at their staff training in that particular branch.
The most pleasing part of this being that they are on the look out for mentions of their business and are not frightened of making contact and addressing issues.

Are you as open to this form of customer service? Do you need to be more alert as to what your customers are saying about you? Are their steps you can take quickly and easily to be as on the ball as they are?

If it helps to keep customers happy and talking about you in a positive light perhaps its worth taking a couple of minutes to review your systems?